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Communal wastes

The communal wastes produced by Metro construction (app. 46 months) amount to about 1,760 to 1,800 tons.

Based on the data obtained from the presently operating metro lines, in the period of operation of Metro 4 line the waste quantity is estimated to be app. 1,800 cu.m./year, and that produced in the depot of Kelenfld app. 800 cu.m.

Production wastes in the period of operation

Production wastes include wastes of the depot or "by-products" of maintenance and reconstruction works (no dangerous wastes, but marketable materials). Production wastes could be the following:

  • Iron material
  • Sheet metal
  • Metal chips
  • Wooden wastes
  • Rails
  • Mixed metallic wastes
  • Copper material
  • Aluminium material
  • Concrete sleepers


Another group of operation wastes includes the wastes produced in the period of metro operation, like oily linen originated from mechanical repair (maintenance) workshops, as well as lubrication oil and grease wastes, paint residues, paint cans etc. All these belong to the group of hazardous materials.

(In compliance with the regulations in force, collection of the material considered as hazardous should be carried out by official collection sites, including their treatment and neutralisation.)

In accordance with the above descriptions, the quantity of non hazardous (marketable) wastes produced in the operation period of Metro 4 and estimated on the basis of actual data amounts to 30 or 40 tons/year, and the hazardous production wastes to 60 tons/year.

Production wastes in the period of construction

In the period of construction of the new metro line, associated production wastes will include also those earth masses which are to be removed from Metro tunnels, as well as from the place of the engineering structures, connecting tunnels with station buildings (escalators, elevators), and further from the base structure of station buildings.

In this latter case, hazardous wastes are those soil categories removed from tunnels and the place of other engineering structures that can form aggressive groundwater hazardous for concrete if mixed with air and water, or comprise chemical components in the presence of which the soil can be considered as a hazardous waste. These are polluted materials either by their original composition, or in case of soils used for refilling, due to contained pollution or wastes (or other materials, e.g. slags).

In normal situations the refilling made with clean soil excvataed from the place of engineering structure or with debris, as well as with the soil mined out from metro tunnels, does not belong to the category of hazardous wastes.

Soils mined out from the place of engineering structures:
Total transports towards Buda 760 600
Total transports towards Pest 380 000
TOTAL TRANSPORTS (cu. m.) 1 140 600

The earth quantity removed from the tunnels and engineering structures in the phase of construction, as specified above, consists of various kinds of soils and soil categories. Its disposal can be made in several ways, which are to be decided following technical, economic and environment protection considerations.

The earth quantities mined out are reasonable to be considered as useful material, even if it increased the construction costs of the Metro, since another utilisation could provide economic or environment protection benefits.