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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, a Kohéziós Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.


18 may 2009

This morning the south TBM of metro 4 has started building the tunnel section stretching under the Danube. Expectedly it will work for 4 to 6 weeks under the river, and as soon as it gets over to the Pest side, its north pair will set off too. In the following weeks the equipment servicing the TBM will move from Etele Square to Szent Gellért Square, where in parallel the building works of the station will continue as well, and building of the exit will commence too.
TBM's preparation of several weeks for the stretch under the Danube has ended, which was slowed down by the dispute with the tunnel builder BAMCO consortium so occurred in the meantime. Maintenance of the machines was finished by 18th May following the restart of works, thus the south TBM could set off to one of the most exciting sections of the new metro line. Boring under the river is a bigger challenge than usual, but based on the preliminary soil investigations the tunneling work will proceed with the same pace and safety here too, than in normal conditions and under built-up surface.

Thus tunnel building works at the Buda side are fully completed, and for the building of the Pest side - according to the original plans - the TBM servicing system at Etele Square will be moved to Szent Gellért Square by BAMCO consortium. In a few weeks the delivery of tubbings, that comprise the tunnel walls, will take place from here, and respectively the removal of excavated muck until TBMs reach the TBM disassembling chamber to be provided at the Baross Square station. In case of a maximum rate of advance by the TBMs the quantity of excavated muck will be in the order of 1,200 m3 per day, for transportation of which and respectively for the delivery of tubbings - similarly to Etele Square – a number of 120 trucks are needed on daily basis. During continuous, 24 hours working, which is typical for the TBMs, an average number of 5 trucks per hour will travel on the Műegyetem quay way towards Lágymányosi Bridge, and then to the direction of the official dumping site, which will likely not influence significantly the life in the district.

Budapest, 18th May 2009

DBR Metro Project Directorate