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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, a Kohéziós Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.


10 december 2013

The part of the Józsefváros square named after Pope John Paul II in the vicinity of the M4 metro station is renewed, and the public of the area took possession of it this morning. The large area handed over is really a park, with many trees having been newly planted in the square and the nearby Fiumei út.

Many of the road surfaces and pavements around II János Pál pápa tér were already completed in the October of 2009. Related to the metro project, the quarter of the square south of Erkel Theatre was renewed. The area connected to the construction of the station-box structure was given a new surface, and the exit of the station was built in the corner of the station adjacent to Népszínház utca, with the glass booths for the lifts behind it. Next to the exit, a pool with a terrace and footbridge was also built.

The landscaping and park building works around the station were completed in recent months. Apart from the metro station providing new transport possibilities for the Józsefváros public, the reinstatement of the square provides a number of rest facilities: a dog run was built, and several hundred trees were planted – not only here, but along Fiumei út, too –, and a great number of benches and tables were also put in place. The progress of the works enabled the hand over of the area, and it is only the immediate surroundings of the exit and lift booths that remain closed until the completion of the project in March 2014.

The final phase of the renewal of II János Pál pápa tér will take place when the new road surfaces are completed. As a project run by BKK, the square will receive a new asphalt coating in the sections between Kun utca and Népszínház utca; Népszínház utca and Bezerédi ucta; Luther utca and Berzsenyi utca, and Légszesz utca and Dologház ucta.

Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of Budapest
BKV Zrt. DBR Metro Project Directorate

Photos by Szabolcs Pető, DBR