Under the Grant Contract of the Metro Line M4 project, the new two-level road junction is to be built (between the underpass to Balatoni út and Pannonhalmi út), and it is a key element of the overall project. The realization of this element of the project is required for the long-term and appropriate link to the terminal of Metro Line M4, the intermodal junction (partly on the Etele tér, partly on the Őrmező side), based on the connection between several means of transport.
BKV Zrt. DBR Metro Project Directorate had announced the open public procurement procedure for the construction of the junction planned on Budaörsi út. The competition was won by lowest-bidding Swietelsky Magyarország Kft. The declaration of the winner and the conclusion of the contract took place at the end of July, and the handing-over of the worksite on this Tuesday, 26 August. The winning contractor is to complete the works by the end of next year in three phases as planned. Its tasks include the diversion of utilities (water, sewage, gas, distance heating, and electricity lines), installation of street lighting, building of temporary roads, and the determination of traffic organization. Of course, it is also to build the final two-level junction including traffic-light links, an accessible pedestrian and bicycle subway, as well as all the necessary landscaping. A noise-protection wall is also to be built between the road sections concerned.
Due to the new junction on Budaörsi út:
o the counter-direction bus lanes put in place out of necessity at the exit of Route 7 and in the subway to Balatoni út will be eliminated;
o the connection between Sasad and Őrmező will be made easier, part of which will include an accessible pedestrian and bicycle route;
o a noise-protection wall will be built in the section of Budaörsi concerned;
o the throughway between the BAH junction and the city boundary will be maintained on the main lanes;
o the intermodal junction (bus terminal and P+R parking lots) will be reachable through new, separate sub-junctions;
o bus lanes will help the progress of public transport vehicles in the junction, improving reach to the terminal of Metro Line M4.
With a view to the significant tourist traffic and the beginning of school in September, traffic diversions will start on the main lanes only from the middle of October. Until then the contractor will complete the preparatory works, mostly temporary utility lines being built in this period, as the utility supply of the area has to be maintained without interruption during the works. Traffic changes are to be expected for the time being from the beginning of September only in the minor streets connected.
With the building of the new junction, all surface vehicles will be able to reach their destinations more plainly and faster, which will improve both the public and car traffic of the area, render the intermodal junction at Kelenföld easier to reach, and pedestrian and bicycle traffic more comfortable and safer.
Budapest Municipality
Budapest Transport Centre (BKK)
BKV Zrt. DBR Metro Project Directorate