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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, a Kohéziós Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.


16 june 2009

This morning the south TBM was launched again under the Danube. Problems causing the south TBM to stop last week were eliminated by the experts of the tunnel building company; they cleaned the TBM’s cutting shield from the material stuck to it under caisson pressure, and proceed with excavation of the cohesive clay material with injecting a special diluting agent, thus tunnel building under the Danube can continue safely. Ideally the tunnel can reach the Fővám Square station next week.
The tunnel building machine of metro 4 is one of the most state-of-the-art methodology options used on the World now, which allows the experts to continuously adjust the machine to the extremely diverse soil conditions under Budapest. Such necessary technical breaks can occur in the future as well.

The south TBM set off from Szent Gellért Square on 18th May. As it was communicated earlier by DBR Metro Project Directorate the TBM can reach the Fővám Square station in 4 to 6 weeks so promised. The machine will get to the Pest side within the time noted earlier in order to allow its north pair to set off on the way under the river bed.

Budapest, 16th June 2009
DBR Metro Project Directorate