A photo exhibition on the stage performance of handicapped and healthy musicians was opened on Saturday on the hoarding around the construction site of Metro Line 4 at Móricz Zsigmond körtér. The Budapest Transport Centre (BKK), DBR Metro Project Directorate and Swietelsky Magyarország Kft. were delighted to support the initiative by providing hoarding surface.
The show was put up for several reasons: the organizers wish to call the attention of the public to the need for cooperation and acceptance between people with and without disabilities as we approach 4 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Another important aim is to show the greatest moments of the past five years of the charity programme series “Life is Better with Us!” (“Jobb velünk a világ!”). The exhibition seeks to give advance publicity to the approaching event of the charity series.
On display until 8 December, the photos show members of the band Nemadomfel (“I Won’t Give up”) performing together with star musicians including Tibor Kiss, Liviusz Varga, András Lovasi, and Hobó. The artist, Imre Varga, believes it is symbolic that the photos are put on display on the temporary wall, the hoarding, of the metro construction, which will soon be demolished, and hopes that the photo show will help us all to pull down the wall between those with and without disabilities.
The next event in the now five-year series of programmes will be an album launch concert, an extraordinary club concert with star guests at the Barba Negra Music Club, on 2 December. The proceeds from the concert will be given to the building of the Újbuda Self-Help Community Home where people with disabilities and their families will be able to live. All those interested are welcome (for further information visit: www.nemadomfel.hu).
Budapest Transport Centre (BKK)
DBR Metro Project Directorate