Historical Overview
In the Capital's plan, the East-West line still appears as an alignment under district "Krisztinaváros". It is Mr. István ACSAY who has turned the line towards Kossuth tér. Mr. Boldizsár VÁSÁRHELYI returns to the 1942 plan (by extending the line along the Circular Boulevard), thus, constructing a line between Moszkva tér - Déli pályaudvar. By eliminating the section along Thököly út appearing in previous concepts and substituting Kerepesi út section for it, we have the line constructed between Déli pályaudvar and Népstadion metro station.
Under the direction and control of the Ministry for Transport and Post, the design of the metro base network, and the first line started in 1949. The first phase of planning was performed by a design bureau established within the State's Company for the Design of Underground Constructions ("Állami Mélyépítési Tervező Vállalat). In 1949, the Transport College of the Ministry just mentioned discussed and approved an alignment study, which preceded the real design. In 1950 the Company for Underground Railways ("Földalatti Vasút Vállalat") was established, a predecessor of Metro and HÉV Directorate, having the duty in those times to organise investments. Four and a half months following this decision, Metro construction started with the sinking of a shaft at Szent István tér. The construction was running at a high rate, and in September of 1950 the Council of Ministries decided to build a Metro network in Budapest, and the deadline of 1955 has been set out for completing the section Népstadion - Deák tér. In February 1954, a Government order stopped the construction - without even fixing an exact time for resuming it. It just approved such complementary works which were indispensable for the security of surface buildings.
Using this loophole, actual construction was continued until completion. In the following only preservation of substance was carried out, in which period only temporary solutions took place. A so called waterproofing programme was started in 1958, within which the structures received a final waterproofing. Later only such works were carried out which are parts of final facilities.
The final economic programme was approved in 1963. Officially, Metro construction in Budapest was resumed on this occasion. Simultaneously, the construction of Astoria station has been decided, as well as the extension of the Metro line until Fehér út. Completion of the first section was envisaged for late in 1970, and the completion of the whole line for 1973, respectively. From that time on, the works were continued without any difficulties. Early in 1970, new tasks were assigned to Földalatti Vasút Vállalat (= Underground Railway Company): they had to prepare themselves for operation activities, thus, the Company received the name of "Budapest Metro Underground Railway".
On April 2, 1970, the section Örs vezér tere - Deák tér could be inaugurated, and on December 22, 1972, the section Deák tér - Déli pályaudvar, respectively.
Text from the publication of Budapesti Közlekedési Rt.: "Budapest Metro is 25 years old".
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