Keresés    Magyar  Magyar

Streetart at Móricz Zsigmond circus on Day of the Hungarian Painting

Streetart at Móricz Zsigmond circus on Day of the Hungarian Painting


photos september 2010

photos september 2010


photos december 2010

photos december 2010





Shield arriveing 18.06.2010. (photos of Botár Gergely)

Shield arriveing 18.06.2010. (photos of Botár Gergely)


Mind The Gap! concert in the metro

Mind The Gap! concert in the metro


Open day at Keleti pályaudvar 2010 (photos of Kecskeméti Tibor)

Open day at Keleti pályaudvar 2010 (photos of Kecskeméti Tibor)


Open day at Móricz Zsigmond circus 2010 (photos of Kecskeméti Tibor)

Open day at Móricz Zsigmond circus 2010 (photos of Kecskeméti Tibor)


Troubleshooting at Keleti pályudvar station (photos of Vanik Zoltán)

Troubleshooting at Keleti pályudvar station (photos of Vanik Zoltán)


Station constructions, february 2010

Station constructions, february 2010


TBM arrives at Rákóczi tér(03.01.2010)

TBM arrives at Rákóczi tér(03.01.2010)


Stationconstruction, 2009. szeptember

Stationconstruction, 2009. szeptember


TBM arrives at F?vám tér station (photos of Zoltán Vanik)

TBM arrives at F?vám tér station (photos of Zoltán Vanik)


TBM arrives at F?vám tér station (photos of László Csalavári)

TBM arrives at F?vám tér station (photos of László Csalavári)


Amnesztia concert, 2009. június 26.

Amnesztia concert, 2009. június 26.


Keep Floyding conncert - Rákóczi tér (Kiss Barnabás fotói)

Keep Floyding conncert - Rákóczi tér (Kiss Barnabás fotói)


Stationconstruction works, March 2009

Stationconstruction works, March 2009


Stationconstruction works, December 2008

Stationconstruction works, December 2008


Stationconstruction works, Oct 2008

Stationconstruction works, Oct  2008


Stationconstruction works, July 2008

Stationconstruction works, July 2008