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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, a Kohéziós Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.


27 april 2010

DBR Metro Project Directorate organizes an open day combined with unique cultural events on 2nd May 2010, i.e. for this Sunday. The whole day event will start with a special exhibition in the morning, and continue with professional presentations, and then this year the metro doors open before the residents at two stations under construction. Finally the evening will have a casual atmosphere, as the visitors may participate in an unordinary charity theatre play and a charity concert, at an extreme venue, more than 20 m deep. DBR and the organizers’ team are waiting for everyone with the programs from 9 am to 9 pm.

In the morning at 9 in the Móricz Zsigmond circus station Mr. Gyula Molnár, Mayor of Újbuda, will open the exhibition, on which the district would like to show the creations arrived to the design tender issued for the “gomba” (mushroom) above the station, and at the same time launch the series of events. Following the opening from 9.30 the interior builder and the track builder will give a short presentation on the challenges of works carried out by them. From 10 am up to 4 pm – joining to the Urbitális Picnic this year also – metro doors will open of those interested at the Móricz Zsigmond circus and Keleti pályaudvar station. In groups of 10 the turns will depart in every 10 minutes, to register please visit our website Based on the last year’s experiences – large number of over-application – DBR can only guarantee to receive those registered in advance at the stations. In the afternoon from 5 pm the visitors may listen to chansons presented by the troupe of the Vígszínház, and in the evening from 7 pm Hungarian hit songs from the Kis Kreatív Band selected from the best music of the 70’s and 80’s. The exhibition and the open day are free, and the amount earned from the symbolical 200 forints fee for the theatre play is offered for charity by the Vígszínház, there is no admission fee for the concert either, but the organizes are counting on individual offerings here too. In the break of the concert Ms. Enikő Eszenyi director of Vígszíház will hand over the amount earned to the Down Association, and Mr. Endre Madarász leader of the Kis Kreatív Band to the representatives of the Nemadomfel Band of young people living with disabilities.

Inspired by the success of the event series last year a lot of cultural requests were received by the DBR Metro Project Directorate in recent months. This year only a part of these can be fulfilled by our Directorate, as the organizes have to adjust to the works and not vice-versa. On the Buda side the internal building works commenced last autumn, and this spring the contractor building the tracks could start working as well. At the structure-ready stations there is hardly any stopping, that's why a Sunday was selected for the program, exploiting most effectively the time of a single day available.

The most important goal of the events is to closely show the residents in these grandiose and special circumstances where the construction process is actually at. The Móricz Zsigmond circus station offers an ideal ground for this, as the structure of the station is completed, and the achievements of the Swietelsky Magyarország Kft. doing the internal works – who also the major sponsor of the event – are starting to become spectacular, but the Tóth TD Kft. building the tracks commenced working recently under the square, precisely in its vicinity. We put emphasis on the other venue, the Keleti pályaudvar station built by the BPV consortium, because this station will be the temporary end station of the first section of metro 4, the tunnel borers will arrive here in a few months, so Baross Square will be in the centre of attention in any way. Many don’t know that by today this station is closely structure-ready and the arrival of the tunneling machines are awaited by the experts.

At the Móricz Zsigmond circus the staff of Swietelsky Magyarország Kft., and at the Keleti pályaudvar station the staff of Vegyépszer Zrt. undertook the task to provide professional guidance and make the visit of the open day groups more enjoyable. Finally the metro builders would like to call the attention this year also to that that similarly to other European metropolises they would like to provide space for modern cultural initiatives – it’s true that maybe uniquely in the world already now, at the phase of implementation.

Budapest, 27th April 2010

DBR Metro Project Directorate

Internal works mean to proceed with the building of structure-ready stations. During the works the platform plate, smaller walls, lighting, water and sewer ducts and electric lines are installed, and where necessary the linings are provided also. The escalator, the elevator, passenger information system and ventilation are completed also. The internal builder will arrange the surface also after its works. At the Buda side this important work phase already commenced last year, and this year it was continued on the Pest side. In this term the Móricz Zsigmond circus station is in the most advanced state.

The tunnel tracks ensuring the rolling of future trains are built over 2 x 14 km length. Condition to finishing the track works is the completion of the tunnels. So the Keleti pályaudvar station – seen on the photo – will be the end station of the track works recently commenced in the vicinity of Móricz Zsigmond circus. It should not be forgotten that without tracks the new metro cannot operate, and the depot at Kelenföld is highly important too, which is also in the phase of completion since last summer.

It soon will be decided that out of the bests of the design competition issued last year for the reconstruction of the "gomba" building at Móricz Zsigmond circus which conception may be realized. The Municipality of Újbuda awarded 5 designs of the 65 applications received, and purchased 10 designs also, which can be viewed by the residents in the frame of an exhibition of last December. For the feasibility of the conceptions besides the harmonization of modernity and tradition it was also considered that the building is protected, as it was an important aspect that the nearly 70 year old building should retain its spirituality with the new functions incorporated. The Cultural Day was started with the exhibition opened with the designs.

The troupe of the Vígszínház prepared an irregular show with the title of Merry-tones for the Cultural Day. Actors of the troupe perform verses, folk songs and chansons. Performing: Bata Éva, Börcsök Enikő, Hullan Zsuzsa, Kovács Patrícia, Kútvölgyi Erzsébet, Láng Annamária, Pap Vera, Venczel Vera, Eszenyi Enikő, Csőre Gábor, Géczi Zoltán, Harkányi Endre, Kern András, Szemenyei János, Tahi Tóth László and Vallai Péter, on the piano Termes Rita and Darvas Ferenc. The theatre offered the amount earned from the symbolical 200 forints admission fee for the so loved and appreciated Down Association, with whom they have been cooperating successfully for years.

The program of the M4 Cultural Day will be closed by the charity concert of the Kis Kreatív Band made up with advertisement experts with the sponsoring of the Kreatív Online. The band was put together for the Big Creative Day in 2007, and then they decided to continue. “The KKB is neither professional nor amateur. It is a party band, which loves to play music, and loves that if they can bring fun for the audience." Such songs will be played as Gedeon bácsi, Emese, Valami Amerika, or Nem adom fel. The band also offered the income of the evening for charity for the Nemadomfel Band.