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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, a Kohéziós Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.


8 april 2013

A major, common project of Budapest Municipality, BKK and DBR Metro Project Directorate has come to a new milestone: We announced the results of the concept design tender for the surface reinstatement and bus terminal at the Őrmező exit of the Kelenföldi pályaudvar station of the M4 on 8 April 2013.

The tender was needed because, unfortunately, the new municipal leadership and BKK inherited the M4 construction without any solution for the surface reinstatement, the routing of traffic from the M1-M7 motorways into the P+R parking lot and the station for buses from the direction of Budaörs and Gazdagrét.

We announced the tender to receive proposals for the intermodal junction, which consider also long-term development possibilities, and which provide detailed designs for the related public road network, bus station and P+R parking lot on the site. Related to the M4 project, this will be the first European-standard terminal bus station in Hungary providing direct transfer between local and long-distance buses. The new terminal bus station will enable passengers transferring from the metro to wait for their buses in a comfortable, heated-cooled building with commercial and catering facilities. The P+R parking lot will provide space for some 500 cars in the area of the bus station. Apart from the P+R parking lot, there will be spaces for short, so-called K+R stops, as well as taxi stands. To increase the size of the parking lot, we will include the area of the 8 unused tracks of the Kelenföldi railway station on the Őrmező side. The area will be safely and comfortably traversable by both cyclists and pedestrians in all directions, and there will be 120 B+R bike stands at the bus station.

At the announcement of the results of successful tender, BKK CEO Dávid Vitézy stressed: This is the first attempt in Central Europe to build a closed, high-standard intermodal bus station, where top-quality architecture and functionality will be central. The winning concept designs meet these requirements, and so a hub exemplary in the region may be built, and completed, unfortunately only after the handover of the M4 because preparations were begun far too late.

In the rather complex work of the jury considering many city- and transportation-development aspects, municipal chief architect Sándor Finta, BKK CEO Dávid Vitézy, XIth Distric Mayor Viktor Takács, the Budapest and Pest County Chamber of Engineers, the Hungarian Chamber of Architects, the Budapest Chamber of Architects, as well as BKK experts participated.

Twelve concept designs were submitted by the 4 March 2013 deadline, all of which met the formal criteria of the tender, and were thus all valid and eligible for judging.

In the course of judging, the following criteria were applied:

• the quality of the comprehensive city-development concept,
• satisfaction of the programme and functional requirements,
• fulfillment of city-development and construction regulations,
• the quality of the architectural design,
• fitting into the environment,
• economical operation, energy saving,
• the elaborateness of the concept design, including the technical content.

It was evidenced during judging the designs that the intermodal junction was not only an opportunity for creating a well-functioning, European-quality bus station and the related P+R and B+R facilities, but, by taking advantage of the architectural possibilities, the roof-top garden to be built above the station will be an attractive public space, and there will also be advantageous links to the housing estate and the development area nearby.

In respect of scheduling, the jury appreciated those solutions where the reinforced supporting structure did not require preliminary additional costs in the first phase. As far as further development is concerned, the tender proved that while the further development of the area of the intermodal junction would result in a tight land utilization, the use of the railway tracks would provide advantages in the short and long run, as well.

Taking the above into consideration, the jury found two concept designs that both similarly met the requirements in their main thrust and detail solutions, and that would be apt starting points in further design. Consequently, under the proposal of the jury, we will request the makers of the designs awarded a shared first place and deemed worthy of further design to submit bids for the negotiated public procurement procedure without a notice. The two best designs, which were found to be of equal level by the jury, will now compete for realization in the price race for the design. The duty of the designer so selected will be to prepare the permit and construction designs, and to complete the permitting procedure.

• First prize - shared (6 million forints): Competitive design no. 1 - MARP Kft., in the name of the MARP-DET-TPTERV consortium (Márton Dévényi, Sándor Dévényi, Pál Gyürki-Kiss, Balázs Biri, Dávid Szabó, Attila Gábor Tóth).
• First prize - shared (6 million forints): Competitive design no. 6 - Mérték Építészeti Stúdió Kft. (Dr. Gergely Paulinyi , Dr. András Reith , János Szegő)
Third prize (4 million forints): Competitive design no. 3 - T2.a Építésziroda Kft. (Bence Turányi, László János Andaházy, Miklós Wettstein)

The following designs were bought for 1,000,000 forints each:

• Competitive design no. 4: 4D Építész Stúdió Kft. (József Kószó DLA, Ádám Rhorer)
• Competitive design no. 9: MCXVI – TRENECON COWI consortium, MCXVI Építészműterem Kft. (László Herczeg, Jenő Keresztes, Tamás János Pintér, Katalin Baranyi-Csaba, Gábor Hajdú, Katalin Újhelyi, László Kolarovszki)
• Competitive design no. 10: Középülettervező Zrt. (Tima Zoltán, Ernyei Balázs, Németh Tamás, Tölgyesi Kaplony, Szabó Máté, Papp Dóra, Mohácsi Sándor, Beller Roland, Gurubi Imre, Lukács Tamás)

Competitive design no. 1 awarded the shared first prize demonstrates a complex of buildings with singular character, meeting international architectural quality, the top of which will be the green public area to be made in the 2nd phase of construction. The design provides for good pedestrian and traffic connections, the internal spaces of the terminal bus station are proportionate, and a humane scene for the functionalities. The traffic design of the junction has a logical order, and the number of storage spaces and stands are appropriate. The first phase of construction provides for the possibility of future development, formulating a realistic and supportable vision of the future.

Competitive design no. 6 awarded as shared first prize, like competitive design no. 1 listed first, grounds its concept on taking advantage of the slope in the site so as to have part of the transport functions hidden underground, and creates a public square above. In the second phase, this will be connected to Etele tér through a footbridge over the railway tracks, satisfying the public square requirements of those living in the Őrmező housing estate. The internal makeup of the bus station is rather exciting, though it might prove hectic due to the density of functions. The internal traffic system is well-organized, the order of the central stand space is appropriate; the traffic surfaces available are somewhat narrow. The designs produced under the rather tight programme outline a rather loveable vision, which connects well with the long-term development concepts for the area.

Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of Budapest
Budapest Transport Centre (BKK)
BKV Zrt. DBR Metro Project Directorate


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