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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, a Kohéziós Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.


27 november 2012

The fit-out contractor begins smoke tests at the M4 Bocskai út Station on Tuesday 27 November 2012. The smoke tests involve the emission of a large quantity, c. 20.000 cubic metres, of white, non-toxic gas, i.e. one non-detrimental to health, starting from platform level and reaching up to the surface.

Prescribed by the authorities, the tests lasting until Thursday will be so-called hot-smoke tests, conducted by the-out contractor Swietelsky Magyarország Kft. and involving the fire brigade as the competent authority. The simulation of a real fire is part, indeed condition, of the preparation for the handover of the station, and its aim is to test the heat and smoke deflector system and the operation of the main ventilation. As in the case of the stations at Tétényi út and Móricz Zsigmond körtér, the fit-out works at Bocskai út station are nearly complete; this is why the smoke tests are needed.

Apart from posters around Bocskai út station, we hereby wish to call the attention of those living or travelling in the area that the smoke to be seen should be of no concern, and need not be reported to the fire brigade, which is participating in the tests as the competent authority anyway.

DBR Metro Project Directorate