Keresés    Magyar  Magyar

Periodic maintenance, repair and preservation of the technical condition of the rolling stock, tunnels, tracks, various buildings and electric, mechanical installations is necessary in order to ensure trouble-free operation of Metro Line 4. This is the function of the depot near Kelenfldi pu. accessible also through a secondary MV track connection.

Two connecting tracks will be available for the access to the depot. A five-track storage shed will be available for storing the metro trains indoors. These tracks will also be equipped with automatic system. Driving trains in and out will be controlled by computer without any human intervention. The track of the washing equipment and the car-wheel lathe will be independent of the storing tracks.

Depot in London
Depot in London

Car repair will be carried out in a three-track vehicle maintenance shop, where the necessary repairs can be performed. A test track adjusted to property parameters will be constructed near the storage shed. Measurements of braking from maximum speed can be performed on the line. The test track is also controlled by automatic system. It enables dynamic tests of the train control system.